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Monday, April 26, 2010

The Hidden Coffer

Locked n masked in your heart's depth is a casket.
You refuse to unbolt it lest it discloses no jewel but your dark secret.
You once allowed me to look inside.
Reminded me of my own secret I meant to hide.
The poignant memories kept in my mind were akin to thine.
Both started from solitary entity and stretched to an eternal line
The chest contains qualms, remorse and guilt.
The mountain of hatred and regret is self built.
When one comprehends this he’s ready to unlock the chest.
Pay heed to my words “then starts the true test.”

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fatal Blunder

I’d prefer to dwell in darkness
Its better this way
It veils my faults
Keeps everything dark and grey
I hate mornings and light
Dour nights no longer give me a fright
Dawn shows me stark reality
Strikes within me a feeling of self pity

I want to melt in crowds
I hate standing out
I’ve seen fingers pointing towards me
I’m suffering enough can they not see?

Every dawn I surrender to sleep
To find myself on a cliff’s edge too steep
To realize I can’t take a step ahead
I can’t drown in darkness of my death bed

I wish I had the power to reverse time
To wash the murder off my hands and undo the crime

The anguish and ache I feel
Comes out in stifled cries
A single tear escapes my weary eyes
If only
If only I hadn’t thought my friend took away what was mine
I would not be awaiting my own decline

I can never forget that fateful night
I ran my blade through her heart there was no fight
Just a cursed calm
A crumpled paper lay in her palm

My daughter had decided to die
She forfeited to death than live a lie
She was crippled and was in pain
My friend’s efforts to stop her went in vain

What my eyes had shown me was a delusion
My daughter’s blood was her own submission
My friend was innocent of my daughter’s murder
Alas! A fatal blunder